Trans-Siberian Orchestra and government cheese

Trans-Siberian Orchestra and government cheese. What could these two things possibly have in common?

My husband and I went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra for our 26th wedding anniversary.

Before the show started, they did a “We are so happy to be in ( insert town name here). Happy holidays, etc.”

They announced that a percentage from every seat purchased went to a feed the hungry fundraiser.

***drum roll please***

They raised $10,000 to feed the hungry in Jacksonville.

That is awesome. Especially these days, milk is $5.50 a gallon and eggs are $3.50 a dozen…why, I remember when milk was $0.98 a gallon and a dozen eggs wa… crap. Ya’ll I just realized how old I sound. I do turn 30 for the 20th time next month… sorry. Tangent time… anyway, back to what I was saying….

So, happy holidays, the hungry in our area will be fed the next few weeks.

What about January 15 through November 1?

Are people not hungry those days?

Growing up, we never hungry. We didn’t have much, but we were never hungry. Food banks, churches and government cheese. There wasn’t always electricity, gas… there was even a time where the water was turned off (we had a friend who had a key to the water main thing by the street) .. there once even a time when my dad drilled a hole in the closet to run an extension cord from our apartment to the neighbors…

This was just life.

One of the first Christmases I remember, we went to a church basement and picked out a gift. One of us got a stuffed black cat with a purple bow around it’s neck.

On our way to the show, we had to drive through downtown Jacksonville. Are these people not there the other 10 months out of the year? The homeless. Men, women, children. They must only get hungry during the holidays. I haven’t seen many feed the hungry drives during the summer.

There was (is) the Hosea Williams Feed the Hungry drive back home (in Atlanta). I don’t know about now, but growing up I only remember seeing it publicized during the holidays.

Why only the holidays? I guess people getting their last good deeds in before Christmas?

(( sigh ))

I am way out of practice with this writing thing..

Everyone needs help sometimes.

The Trans-Siberian Orchestra was really good and government cheese is the best cheese to put in scrambled eggs.

Time Marches On..

HOLY COW! It’s been 2 years!?!?! ( I actually started this post a year ago.. at the time it said HOLY COW! A year!)

Honestly, my creative bone, I am afraid, is gone.

I enjoy writing. It has been an outlet. However, the past year, well, few years, I have been in a constant downhill ride on the bi-polar roller coaster. Maybe not constant. I get started up the hill, and just lose my grip and head back down. A couple of times, I almost jumped the tracks.

A lot of life has happened.

Our youngest has been stationed in Japan now for the past 3years, will probably be there till he finishes his tour.  He has been able to come home once, Christmas 2020.  I believe he could have been patient zero for the rona. Just kidding, mostly. After a 24 hour journey, 4 different airports, he came home sick as a dog. With all the symptoms. The naval hospital gave him some cough medicine and grunt candy (ibuprofen) and told him it was bronchitis.  He was better by the time he got back to Japan, then about a month later, the covid crisis started. I got that shit end of January. I had the symptoms for 6 weeks. The first variant was no joke.

That Christmas we had to put our baby girl down. Dixie, our border collie, was the absolute best, most amazing dog that has ever lived. She was so smart! She had developed a cough and after a few different doctors, we discovered she had cancer in her throat. We tried chemo, but it was time. We kept her comfortable as we could until Little Reese came home on leave. The vet came to our house and must have thought we were crazy! We were getting ready to send this girl across the bridge? She was bringing balls and dropping them at the vets feet to play. Was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

Then the rona, 5 pounds of gummy bears (not the sugar free kind) some med- tweaking, and a trip to Arizona to bring our oldest son home.

Thanksgiving we helped Max over the rainbow bridge, he went blind and had cancer ravaging his body. We had already been the chemo route with baby girl and knew we didn’t want to do it again.

Christmas, New Year. A new job and the best vacation is many, many years.

Time marches on…

Amazon and hurricane Dorian

I live in Florida and by Monday hurricane Dorian is supposed to make landfall very close to me.

Everyone is scrambling for supplies.

I must have bread! Water! Who has water? Publix sold out! Walmart? Well…you could still be in line for water as the hurricane passes…

Me? I ordered supplies from Amazon.

Just my latest contribution to global warming.

